The concept of soul loss refers to the disconnection from one’s essence, which results in a sense of emptiness. This is especially evident when old memories and emotional wounds emerge to haunt an individual’s mind. Soul retrieval is a method used to recover and heal lost parts of oneself. Conditions such as prolonged grief, substance abuse, addiction, and physical abuse can lead to soul loss. Signs also include depression, chronic fatigue, and trouble moving forward after an incident or event.
To recover your soul, reflect on the cause, use mindful meditation and therapy, and/or work with a shaman or online spiritual life coach. Additionally, establish some activities of self-love in daily life to nurture your soul. In addition to this, you can mix western medicine and shamanism to work towards reclaiming your lost soul.
What is Soul Retrieval?
Therapy is a concept that most people are familiar with. . Soul retrieval through shamanism is an ages old practice for rekindling the connection between you and your lost soul. It’s the process of reconnecting with a soul part often guided by a shaman or spiritual guide. The ritual involves reaching into spiritual realms to find this aspect of self, and reintegrate it into your wholeness. Further, shamanic healing also includes working through the issues that led to its loss.
Soul retrieval can help you grow and transform as a person, as you free yourself from a previous state of dissociation, a sense of not being or feeling yourself. Without soul retrieval, you may struggle to move past the trauma that caused the soul loss in the first place. A shaman or shamanic healer uses journeying into your subconscious to find and guide your soul back to you. A shamanic healer will even ask your Spirit Guides to act on your behalf to heal you.
How Does It Work: Steps to Retrieve Your Soul
- Reflect on the Cause of Your Soul Loss
To heal your soul, first you need to understand the root cause of your troubles. Reflect on and use introspection into your feelings and experiences, using different techniques like spending time in nature or journaling. Nature is a powerful spiritual healer upon which you can draw energy and reach for a deep peace. So, take time to reflect on how you may have suffered soul loss and allow yourself to let go without trying to control it.
- Practice Mindfulness and Meditation
To find your soul and create inner wholeness, use mindfulness and imagine walking into a blank space. As you descend, find objects representing parts of yourself, such as a broken doll or an easel. As you reach the source of the light, take a moment to breathe deeply, feel revitalized, and step into the light. Feel the light pouring on every inch of you. Open your eyes and reflect on your experience. Finally, if you have a journal, write down the whole scenario to record for future reference.
- Cultivate Self-love and Compassion
Reconnecting with your heart through self-love can also create the inner conditions that will encourage a lost soul to return. Giving and receiving love also fertilizes a healthy inner ecosystem. Thus, you can tap into the more powerful part of yourself by practicing self-love and expressing emotions. So, show yourself compassion and cultivate love for yourself through self-care and reciting daily positive affirmations.
- Use Inner Child Work to Overcome Old Traumas
Inner child work and shadow work are important for soul discovery, because they involve healing missing parts of oneself from old traumas. Inner child work interacts with a part of self that has been frozen in time due to childhood trauma, while shadow work explores parts of self that may be repressed, denied, or simply yet to be expressed. In our shadow resides those aspects of our personalities that we might not want to admit to or deal with. Both inquiries can bring up difficult memories, so it’s recommended to seek help from a professional therapist or even a shamanic healer.
- Consult a Psychotherapist or Shaman
Therapy is rooted in psychology, while shamanism is rooted in spirituality. It’s up to you whether to consult a therapist or shaman for help. If you have the means, you could even see both. A therapist helps you come to terms with your inner struggles, while a shaman can guide you through soul retrieval. Some people believe that when parts of you are hurt, they can disappear into unique, protected spiritual worlds until conditions improve and they can return. A shaman may lead you to those places and assist you in discovering those forgotten places of yourself and your soul.
Benefits of Retrieval
Reestablishing the connection to your deepest soul leads to significant life transformation. Have belief in every day’s new experience and cultivate a greater sense of presence and focus with soul retrieval Benefits include increased energy, efficiency, successful decisions and actions, increased feelings of happiness and lightness, feeling more connected to your body, peace and optimism, your mind and regaining direction, improving physical health and well-being. Simply put, being with your soul Strengthening relationships can make your life more enjoyable and fulfilling.
Losing touch with yourself can leave you feeling empty and hurting inside. However, there are ways to heal and find yourself again, usually with the help of a shaman. You can start seeking guidance from therapists or people with psychic powers by paying attention to what’s bothering you, clearing your mind, being kind to yourself, doing inner child work. Basically, try anything that can help. One powerful technique is called soul retrieval, where you get lost parts of yourself back. This can lead to personal growth, big changes in your life, and a strong sense of purpose.